As we have seen with recent reports about Chris Brown and Rihanna, domestic violence does not discriminate between income, occupation, fame, age, or anything. Here are some startling statistics on domestic violence:
-Each day in the U.S., between 5 and 11 women are killed by a male intimate partner, between 1800 and 4000 a year.
-In the U.S. women are more likely to be killed by their male intimate partners than all other homicide categories combined.
-Studies show that the vast majority of women who kill their abusers do so as a last resort in defense of their own lives or and/or the lives of their children.
-Battered women who defend themselves are being convicted or are accepting pleas at a rate of 75-83% nationwide.
-Between 2.1 and 8 million women are abused by their partners annually in the U.S. At least every 15 seconds, a woman is beaten by her husband or boyfriend.
-The Surgeon General has reported for at least 10 years that battering is the single largest cause of injury to U.S. women.
-In many U.S. cities, more than 50% of women and children seeking shelter are turned away due to lack of space.
-Only (an estimated) 10% of incidents of domestice violence are reported, often due to shame, and fear that the abuser will retaliate when reported.
-The injuries battered women recieve are at least as serious as injuries suffered in 90% of violent felony crimes, yet under state laws, they are almost always classified as misdomeanors.
-In some surveys, 90% of battered women who reported assault to the police actually did sign complaints, but fewer that 1% of the cases were ever prosecuted...
[Facts compiled by the National Clearinghouse in Defense of Battered Women, Washington, D.C. ]
-If you or someone you know is being abused, speak up!!! Call your local domestic abuse hotline, and the police.